A persons image is everything, lets start by defining the meaning of image. According to the dictionary image means “A representation of a person”, as simple as the definition is, it tells you a lot. A persons representation of them-self is very important, ask yourself how people perceive you based on what they see?

In a corporate environment, asides from the work and effort you put into the job, your image also matters a lot. As a career woman, the way you present yourself is a direct representation of how the corporate environment you work with is looked at. Its very important that you are composed, confident and put together, its embarrassing when you represent your company at an event and you looks very messy and unkempt.

Asides from representing the company at formal functions, your typical appearance to work everyday has to be in line with the code of dressing. Although, in many offices this days there is leniency towards the corporate outfit worn by staffs however it is an unwritten code that you look very smart and neat because nobody wants to see a junior manager, associate, customer relationship manager etc with a rumpled or oil stained outfit.

Now that you know that you must represent, you should and need to put in effort into what you wear to work. For your corporate outfit you must select interesting pieces that resonate your character. The way you dress says a lot about who you are (most times anyway) so use your corporate outfit to create a powerful image this week.
