Porsha Williams Is Slaying Her Third Trimester And She's Never Looked Happier

Porsha Williams Is Slaying Her Third Trimester And She's Never Looked Happier

The "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star is giving off a megawatt pregnancy glow and we're absolutely obsessed.

Porsha Williams is savoring every sweet moment of her first pregnancy.

The veteran Real Housewives of Atlanta star is living her best life after almost giving up on finding her dream man. Now that she’s found love in the arms of entrepreneur Dennis McKinley and securing the title of soon-to-be-mom, Porsha has been glowing like never before. Not only has she been serving tons of maternity style moments on Instagram, she’s also had a permanent smile on her face (it could be the endless supply of pickles, but don’t quote us.)

Williams, 37, revealed during the show that she almost gave up on her dreams of having a family. Thankfully, Dennis restored her faith in love and kept his promise to make her the happiest woman in the world. “I have never had someone love me the way he does,” she said during an episode. “I have never had someone want to be there for me. So that’s why this pregnancy is like a miracle to me. Because I am starting to see all these things that I have prayed for and wanted for so many years actually happen.”

The countdown for Porsha Jr. (aka PJ) and her grand arrival is winding down quickly. Scroll through and see our favorite photos of Porsha making pregnancy look breezy.
