There’s a trend in Nigeria that has completely taking over and its the aso ebi styles trend. Its almost unreal how this simple uniform idea took over the fashion scene. Everybody who wants to throw a party (no matter what tribe you are) has this sense of either selling the fabric they would want everyone to wear for the function or they get the samples and share so that every one of their invitee’s would get theirs.
Its also mind blowing how this simple act of getting every one to color and fabric coordinate turned into a fashion must no one is breaking the rules. Everyone has their own idea of why they buy the fabric for any function but one idea everyone has in common is the fact that they all want to SLAY.
In order to stay on top of your style game its important that you try to find a way to keep slaying in unique ways, now this is not an easy feat, creativity sometimes dulls out but that’s why you’ve got us, the shacara team always tries to select the best of the best, we believe our readers deserve to be inspired with the most unique pieces and thankfully we’ve selected 12 breathtaking aso ebi styles you’ll find you can’t resist. From the fabric to the cuts to the mixtures, this aso ebi styles are superb and yes breathtakingly beautiful.