How has your style game been lately? Am going to go ahead and guess that it hasn’t been super creative. Its alright that you haven’t been creative of late, it happens to the best of us but how we deal with this phase is what makes the difference. You all know that fashion is a way of life, and its not unusual that somewhere along the line we loose all motivation and interest, its why we are humans but then the ability to get back to normal and become more inspired is what makes all the difference.
Today, we have decided why not bring you floor length Ankara pieces to motivate you. One of the most common but rarely seen Ankara style is the floor length style. The floor length style is the style people imagine is best for occasions, they forget that they can actually rock it anywhere and anything (yes I mean anywhere, even to work). Many floor length styles include mermaid dress (for events), Jackets, maxi skirts etc.