Whats your work place setting like? Do you adhere to the rules (whether spoken or unspoken)? Well your employers expect that you look the part because it is a sign of your professionalism and in most cases it is used to gauge the level of your competence. When your co-workers and clients look at you what do they see? Do they see a professional or do they see a messy individual? As a career women, once people set their eyes on you they should immediately feel comfortable working with you and that is why you have to present yourself in a professional way however the need to look sharp is established but colors have their part to play.

Depending on your work environment, the most popular colors are the solid colors like white and black and their various hues. Dark blue hues also fall into this category of the proper color for the work place but in all honesty these colors sometimes lack the vibrancy to motivate a person.

Colors have an effect on our psyche and this theory has been proven, if you ask someone their best colors they would tell you immediately this is because when they see this colors anywhere it makes them happy. A bright color doesn’t have to be your best before it makes you smile, you can be comfortable with any color that gives brightness to an atmosphere especially one that is full of colors so if you are a professional who is under no strict color coordination then below are colorful work outfit ideas that suit your professionalism;
