It’s another beautiful and calm weekend. I guess one needs no soothsayer to tell him or her that the rainy season has finally set in. It now rains almost everyday. Well, it’s actually a welcome development because the sun has been extremely scorching.

Just as it’s another beautiful and calm weekend, so it’s time to get your daughter’s hair properly done. The excuses have run out because weekends are usually days you have to tidy up all the house chores you could not do during the week. Your little divas‘ hair is one priority you have this weekend. There are beautiful hairstyles you can always go for, just to make you kids have that sense of belonging. Gone are the days when we use to restrict our kids to just one particular hairstyle. Back then, it used to be just pure weaving without extension or attachment. Then, the use of threads was very rampant in those days, but now, development has vastly taken place. Kids can now rock the hairstyles of their choices although, some schools do not permit all manner of hairstyles. The truth here is, if truly your kiddies’ schools always allow or permit the rocking of various hairstyles, then the ball is in your court this weekend. This time, you have to go funky with your kids. Make them rock some funky hairstyles this weekend. In the usual way of inspiring you on what best to go with, we’ve got some funky kiddies’ hairstyles they can actually rock this time. Here are the funky kiddies’ hairstyles for the weekend;
