People have different views on what to wear when travelling just as there are also many different means of transportation to choose from ranging from road, to train , to water and to air and under diverse weather conditions.

No doubt about it, all the means of transportation require a piece of outfit that can keep you warm. Most importantly, considering your final destination can determine your travelling style, you don’t want to dress like you are in summer when you are going to a place where its cold.

Another thing to also consider is your own body system when travelling, are you the type that feels all forms of chills even with the evening breeze or you are the sweaty type that needs airy and breezy atmosphere all the time? One thing to note about travelling is the breeze that is usually caused by a moving car or train and if you are airbourne then you know its going to be cold.

But whatever type of body system you’ve got, these 7 travelling stylish outfits will surely work for you as travelling outfit basically has to do with layering to help keep warm. Keep scrolling for a sneakpeek into our 7 best travelling stylish outfits that are comfortable and yet still fashion conscious…

The neutral absorbs heat, this all black ensemble with the leather jacket will keep you warm throughout the journey
