Meet Burkina Faso’s Long Legged Maryse Kye Who Was Caught In The Big Lip Controversy

Meet Burkina Faso’s Long Legged Maryse Kye Who Was Caught In The Big Lip Controversy

During New York Fashion Week on Wednesday, cosmetics brand Mac posted a close-up picture to Instagram of an African-American runway model’s lips, intending to showcase the brand’s lipstick. Some racists began to unleash offensive comments, however, many dropped a lot of compliments and had her going viral online.

The model, 19 year-old Maryse Kye, responded to both the critical and supportive comments in a now-deleted Instagram post Thursday. “As I read the comments below this picture Felt so insecure and a bit embarrassed as I just wrapped up fashion week a time period that is tough on models especially black models as we encounter the harsh reality of the fashion world,” she said. “But I kept reading (not sure why tbh) and saw so much love and support from strangers that made me smile :).”
